The SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode) is a Super Deformed model kit that brings the iconic RX-0 Unicorn Gundam from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn to life in a compact and stylized form. This kit offers an engaging building experience with impressive articulation and detail, capturing the essence of the Unicorn Gundam's Destroy Mode.
Key Features:
Dual Frame System: The SD Gundam Cross Silhouette series allows builders to choose between two different inner frames—the SD (Super Deformed) frame for a cuter look, and the CS (Cross Silhouette) frame for a taller, more action-oriented appearance. Note that this kit comes with the SD frame only; the CS frame is sold separately.
Articulation: Features multiple points of articulation, enabling dynamic poses that showcase the Unicorn Gundam's agility and combat readiness.
Weaponry and Accessories: Equipped with:
- Beam Magnum
- Beam Saber
- Shield
Design Details: Clear parts are used for the psycho-frame, accurately representing the Unicorn Gundam's distinctive appearance in Destroy Mode. Builders can also choose to assemble the kit with or without pupils in its eyes, allowing for customization of its facial expression.
Release Information:
Released in 2018 as part of Bandai's SD Gundam Cross Silhouette line, this kit combines the charm of SD designs with modern engineering and enhanced detail.
The SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode) is an excellent addition for fans of the Gundam Unicorn series and model builders seeking a unique and customizable representation of this iconic mobile suit.