High Grade 1/144 Gundam

HG 1/144 Witch from the Mercury CEK-077 Beguir-Pente
$22.00CEK-077 Beguir-Pente (ベギルペンデ Begirupende?) is a mobile suit introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury. It is piloted by the members of Grassley House. A successor to the CEK-040 Beguir-Beu developed by Grassley Defense Systems. A high-performance mobile suit that incorporates Non-Kinetic Effectors, the core elements of the Anti-GUND Format equipment. Like its predecessor, the Beguir-Pente can release "Antidote" attacks that interfere with GUND FORMAT links. However, these "Antidote" attacks only affect GUND FORMAT links with Permet scores of 3 or lower.

HG 1/144 HGCE ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam
$23.00The ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam is a Mobile Suit introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. It is piloted by Shinn Asuka and later by Lunamaria Hawke. The ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam is the ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam equipped with the α Force Silhouette pack. The Force Impulse is a general purpose MS like the original Impulse, but has extremely high mobility under gravity and in zero gravity due to the Force Silhouette's high output thrusters and large wings. This pack also enables atmospheric flight, and adds a pair of beam sabers to the Impulse's standard armaments, granting the Force Impulse high melee and ranged combat capabilities. The Force Impulse is the most commonly used form of the Impulse due to its high versatility, and it is said that its aerial combat capabilities are equivalent to the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam's. The Force Impulse retains the same VPS colors as the original Impulse.

HG 1/144 HGCC WD-M01 ∀ Turn A Gundam
$17.00The System-∀99 ∀ Gundam (pronounced as "Turn A Gundam", aka "∀", "White Doll" or "Mustache") is the titular mobile suit of Turn A Gundam. It is piloted primarily by Loran Cehack. The Turn A Gundam was originally created for interstellar warfare in anticipation of invasion of forces outside the solar system and said to be the culmination of super-advanced technologies from generations past. As opposed to other weapons which were created to meet a specific purpose, the Turn A's design was unusual and built entirely on the premise of "single-machine operation", with the versatility to perform all military operations on its own. Owing to the fear of extrasolar forces, the Turn A was constructed with all restrictions of the development of weapons removed, and as a result no longer fits into the concept of a weapon.Unlike other mobile suits (even those that predate the Turn A itself), the Turn A is powered by a DHGCP (Discontinuous Hyperoscillation Gauge Collapsing Pile) power plant in its abdomen, which is essentially an artificial black hole. This is used in conjunction with an innovative reactionless I-Field Beam Drive system to move the suit's limbs and provide thrust. As a result, the unit's chest is almost entirely hollow and can equip various weapons inside, such as missiles or beam cannons. The legs are also hollow due to the use of the I-Field Beam Drive, and contain an array of thruster vanes which are used to power the suit's jumps and flight. This leaves the back of the unit free to store more weapons and equipment if desired. The Gundam's armor is also covered with self-repairing nanomachines, dubbed "Nanoskin".The Turn A's armaments consisted of a beam rifle, two beam cannons, two beam sabers and a shield. It can also mount various weapons (such as missiles) in the chest to compliment its basic weaponry. It can also use a powerful I-Field capable of covering a large area and affecting matter. To further enhance its combat power, the Turn A has support areas called DOC Bases (Device Operation Control) which hold various armaments, enabling it to adapt to the situation at hand by equipping a variety of weapons. One of these DOC Bases was discovered in C.C. 2345. However, the base had been sealed and not maintained by any nanomachines during the thousands of years the Turn A was buried, so almost all its weapons crumbled upon exposure to air. The only weapon still usable was a hyper hammer that was simple and thick enough to remain intact for a short while without maintenance.The Turn A's on-board nanomachines are capable of a devastating attack known as the "Moonlight Butterfly" (named after the visual appearance of the attack). The Turn A's nanomachines have the ability to disintegrate all matter that includes artificial objects as well as organic materials, and can merge with weather systems to create large ionic storms capable of covering a much wider area. These nanomachines can be used offensively or defensively for all range attack and defense. The nanomachines are capable not only of destroying technology however, but of maintaining and repairing it too. This ability is not instantaneous though, and it requires a considerable amount of time. The back weapon pallet of the Turn A was originally planned to be equipped with weapons based on the Seventh Generation Minovsky Physical Theory (7th-GMPT), a nondestructive MS-incapacitating technology, during the conceptual phase of the "System ∀". However, the development of such weapons was not completed in time for the demonstration test for "System ∀", and so beam sabers were provisionally installed for melee combat.

HG 1/144 HGUC F91 Gundam F91
$15.00The F91 Gundam F91 (F91 ガンダムF91 Effu Kujūichi Gandamu Fōmyura Nainti Wan?) is a mobile suit introduced in the movie Mobile Suit Gundam F91, in which it was piloted by Seabook Arno. Harrison Madin piloted two production type units in custom colors. Based on F90V Gundam F90 VSBR Type, the F91 is a prototype machine created under SNRI’s ‘Formula Project’. The Formula Project, also known as F Project, is a miniaturized MS development program meant to address technological problems such as the upsizing and increasing cost of MS, and to rectify Anaheim Electronics’ monopolization of the MS industry. The F91 was developed to reached the ‘performance limit tidemark of present day MS’, and as such, its capabilities exceed that of contemporary machines. SNRI only referred to it by its model number, F91. It was later given the code name "Gundam F91" by Space Ark captain Leahlee Edaberry as its face resembled the Gundam’s.Befitting its smaller size, the Gundam F91 has a small reactor located in its enlarged backpack, surrounded by high-output thrusters. Despite its reduced size, the reactor has a high output, allowing the suit to drive multiple beam weapons including a beam rifle, two beam sabers, a beam launcher, a beam shield, and a pair of variable speed beam rifles (also known as VSBRs). While the first two beam weapons are common among contemporary mobile suits, the last three are of new designs. The beam launcher is a beam weapon equivalent of a projectile firing bazooka. The beam shield generates a highly defensive energy shield to block beam and projectile attacks. The VSBR is the Gundam F91’s most powerful weaponry, and is capable of firing beams of different speed to achieve either high destructive power or high penetrative power. Other weapons include two Vulcan guns and two mega machine cannons.With its reduced size and the increase in output, the Gundam F91 has a drastically improved power-to-weight ratio, allowing it to attain higher mobility than MS of earlier eras. Its mobility is on par with the miniaturized MS deployed later by the Crossbone Vanguard. It also has special features such as the Bio-Computer, MCA (Multiple Construction Armor) structure, and the MEPE (Metal Peel-off Effect) phenomenon. The Bio-Computer is installed in the suit’s head and feeds battle data directly to the pilot, but only a Newtype pilot can draw out its full potential. Accompanying the installment of the Bio-Computer, a head-mounted coolant and heat discharging system were also implemented, with the face guard opening to discharge heat under certain circumstance.The MCA structure incorporates electrical functions into the suit’s armor, allowing for more efficient use of the F91's limited internal space. The MEPE is a byproduct of the MCA structure. It helps the suit to dissipate excess heat by shedding the outer layers of its armor, and in the process, creates afterimages with mass to confuse enemy pilots, as well as the sensors of enemy machines. However, the MEPE is only activated under specific conditions.The Gundam F91’s high performance is not without drawbacks; its full operating mode is too much for normal pilots to handle. Thus, limiters were installed to make the suit more manageable; only a Newtype pilot can handle the full operating mode. When the Bio-Computer - via the Bio-Sensor in the pilot’s linear seat - determines that a Newtype is at the controls, it will disable the limiters and allow activation of the full operating mode. In this mode, the suit performs at its maximum potential and forced cooling is activated. This results in the suit radiating heat from all over its body: the face guard opens to vent heat, the shoulder-mounted heat radiations fins are deployed, the retractable thruster units on the back of the lower legs and the associated fins are activated, and the MEPE phenomenon occurs. All these are to reduce damage to the machine caused by movement overload during the full operating mode, and to protect the Bio-Computer that is sensitive to high heat. It is also worth noting that the front grill that takes up most of the chest and abdomen is a heat sink.After the war with the Crossbone Vanguard, an unspecified but extremely small numbers of Gundam F91s were manufactured. The MCA, MEPE, and full spec Bio-Computer were omitted from these production type units; inclusion of these technologies in the prototype unit was more for experimental purposes. Despite this, the catalog specifications of these machines are still comparable to the prototype’s. Although the face guard opening mechanism is retained in all production type units, only certain units for ace pilots (such as Harrison Madin’s) can access the full operating mode through improvements in the cooling system and various devices. However, these ace-used units still do not have the MEPE function due to the enhanced cooling system, as well as the change in the materials used in the final layer of armor.

HG 1/144 HGUC NZ-666 Kshatriya
$55.00The NZ-666 Kshatriya (クシャトリヤ, Kushatoriya), aka the "Quad-wing", is a mobile suit featured in the novel and OVA series Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. It was piloted by Marida Cruz. The Kshatriya was designed with the intention of miniaturizing the NZ-000 Queen Mansa - which was more than 40 meters tall - while retaining its performance. This was done through the implementation of new technology, including the installation of Psycho-Frame around its cockpit. Since Neo Zeon lost the ability to manufacture Psycho-Frame following the Second Neo Zeon War, the Kshatriya became a one-off unit. Another factor that contributed to its miniaturization was that most of its functions are concentrated in its four wings/binders. As a result, the Kshatriya was almost half the size of its predecessor. The four massive wings/binders are also the Kshatriya's greatest features, each containing two mega particle cannons, a funnel container with six funnels, an I-Field generator, flexible thrusters, a propellant tank, and a sub-arm equipped with a small beam saber. Each wing/binder also serves as an AMBAC unit. Like its predecessor, the Kshatriya requires a powerful Newtype pilot.

HG 1/144 HGUC MSM-04 Acguy
$17.00The MSM-04 Acguy (アッガイ Aggai?) is an amphibious mobile suit introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam. Following the Zimmad Company's MSM-03 Gogg, the Zeonic Company produced their own amphibious mobile suit for the Principality of Zeon, the MSM-04 Acguy. The Acguy used many of the same parts and components as the MS-06F Zaku II, including two of the Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactors used by the latter. Even with the twin reactors, the Acguy left only a trace heat signature, making it effective for stealth and infiltration operations. It is also one of the tallest amphibious mobile suit used by the Zeon during the war. About 60 units were produced according to some sources.The Acguy's weapons consisted of four 105mm vulcan guns mounted in its unusually large head. In its right forearm was a mega particle gun, but in some units, this was replaced by a vulcan gun. The right forearm also had extendable claws known as Iron Nail (along with an extendable arm to increase striking distance) for striking the Earth Federation's mobile suits and property. In the left forearm was a six-tube missile launcher. Some models also had missile launchers in the right forearm, replacing the mega particle cannon and claws.

HG 1/144 HGUC MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type
$20.00The MS-14S (YMS-14) Gelgoog Commander Type is a commander mobile suit that entered production as the MS-14A Gelgoog. Featuring a high-powered generator, various thrusters to aid mobility, a large pointed oval-shaped shield, a Beam Rifle, and a Beam Naginata, the MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type rivals the capabilities of the Earth Federation's RX-78-2 Gundam. In fact, compared to the Gundam, the Gelgoog Commander Type is slightly faster, more mobile and possesses a more powerful generator and beam weapon selection; this was proven by Char during his first sortie in his personal unit against Amuro Ray's Gundam during the One Year War. On the other hand, it has thinner and less durable armor than the Gundam (which is built with Luna Titanium Alloy), and the lack of built-in weapons makes the Gelgoog easier to disarm (which Amuro literally did) and leave weaponless.

HG 1/144 HGUC RX-78NT-1 Gundam Alex
$20.00The RX-78NT-1 Gundam NT-1, nicknamed Alex, was a Newtype-use mobile suit created by the Earth Federation Forces. It was introduced in the OVA Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket. By the time of the One Year War, the Principality of Zeon's lead Newtype researcher, Dr. Flanagan, had been conducting his research for more than ten years. In contrast, the Earth Federation Forces only began their Newtype research in August, U.C. 0079. This was because the EFF did not see the military value of Newtypes due to the small number of examples and low replicability.However, concepts similar to Newtype-use unit were still included as part of the RX Project. Based on existing research to improve mobile suit responsiveness, as well as reports from the Newtype pilot Amuro Ray and operating data from the RX-78-2 Gundam, the EFF began the development of a Newtype-use mobile suit with the goal of improved durability and responsiveness. For this purpose, the fourth RX-78 series unit was redesigned as a custom unit for Amuro Ray and received the new model number of RX-78NT-1.The Gundam NT-1's development was carried out by the Augusta Base, originally a facility that researched issues relating to soldiers' mental health, it was chosen because some of its researchers published essays proving the Newtype concept. For additional protection, it was equipped with a set of optional Chobam armor, earning it the nickname "Alex", which was derived from the model number prefix "RX" and the acronym "Armor Layered EXamination", the project name of its armor.To ensure the extra weight from the Chobam armor does not hinder its mobility, the NT-1 was designed with expanded propellant capacity in mind. Inspired by the Zeon concept of using the leg itself as a large vernier unit, it was fitted with propellant tank/sub-thruster hybrid units on its legs. It was also fitted with a large number of additional thrusters, both to improve its mobility and to compensate for the added weight of its armor.Thanks to its magnet coating and the use of a high-speed, large-capacity learning computer more advanced than the one used by the RX-78-2, the NT-1's responsiveness was more than three times that of existing mobile suits. In addition, it was also equipped with a panoramic cockpit and linear seat, two features that would eventually become standard on mobile suits, under the belief that they would enable a Newtype pilot to better make use of their expanded awareness.Finally, based on analysis of combat data from the RX-78-2 Gundam, it was pointed out that the loss or damage of hand-carried weapons may impact the mobile suit's combat ability, so the NT-1 was equipped with a pair of concealed 90mm Gatling Guns in its forearms.

【CLEARANCE】HG 1/100 Macross Plus YF-19
$49.00 $42.00The YF-19 is an experimental variable fighter featured in the Macross Plus OVA and its theatrical adaptation, Macross Plus Movie Edition. It was part of U.N. Spacy's Advanced Variable Fighter initiative under Project Super Nova. The prototype was piloted by Isamu Alva Dyson.The design was ultimately chosen over the YF-21, with its final iteration being the VF-19 Excalibur which was featured in Macross 7 and subsequent spinoffs. The YF-19 was designed with several technologies that would become the standard for those next generation variable fighters built to fulfill the operational demands of the UNAF/UNS. These technologies included an active stealth system, an anti-projectile shield, an optional fold booster for interstellar travel and a fighter-scale pin-point barrier system which sheathed portions of the variable fighter in an energy barrier that could move across the hull to intercept and defeat incoming fire. Installed Shinnakasu thermonuclear engines provided the YF-19 with unparalleled thrust, also allowing the variable fighter to attain orbital velocity over an Earth-class planet unassisted.The VF-11 achieved much for Shinsei Industries with a stripped-down, basic design but the YF-19 benefited from advances such that Shinsei built the craft with much greater standard ordnance. Superior miniaturization and the larger airframe of the YF-19 created space for internal missiles mounted in the engine/leg units that maintained the variable fighter stealth capabilities. With up to four internal missile palettes, the YF-19 additionally utilized a fixed rearward anti-aircraft laser gun turret, two semi-fixed converging energy cannons in each wing (optionally laser cannons) and a new Howard GU-15 standard external Gatling gun pod (with field-replaceable magazines).The YF-19 transformation time is 20% less than the VF-11 Thunderbolt and pilot survivability in Battroid is improved over traditional VFs due to the cockpit being stored inside the body rather than at the front of the body. The YF-19 was initially a difficult craft to operate in the testing phase and was flown by seven different test pilots during various trials. Shinsei was nonetheless determined to move forward and the YF-19 achieved incredible success in the Super Nova AVF, proving that Shinsei could rely upon practical proven methods for a superior next generation variable fighter.

HG 1/144 HGUC RX-9/A Narrative Gundam A-Packs
$66.00The RX-9/A Narrative Gundam A-Packs is a mobile suit introduced in the Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative and is piloted by Jona Basta. The RX-9/A Narrative Gundam A-Packs is a state where the RX-9 Narrative Gundam is equipped with high mobility optional armaments. The optional units are attached mainly around the legs, and with the various boosters concentrated to point towards the back of the MS, it is able to gain acceleration nearly equal to the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex. Its armaments are also unique, having both melee weapons and firearms, such as the Large Beam Sabers, 5-tube Medium Missile Pods, High Mega Cannon, as well as a special combined armament known as the Psycho-Capture. The Psycho-Capture is a special armament used to capture the Phenex by interfering with the Mobile Suit's Psycho Waves and immobilizing it in a field created by the armament. The Narrative Gundam equipped with the A-Packs was deployed in the "Phoenix Hunt" operation to capture the Phenex.

HG 1/144 HGUC RX-78-2 Gundam (Revive Ver.)
$13.00The RX-78-2 Gundam is the titular mobile suit of Mobile Suit Gundam television series. Part of the RX-78 Gundam series, it was built in secret on Side 7. The Gundam would turn the tide of war in favor of the Earth Federation during the One Year War against the Principality of Zeon. It was primarily piloted by Amuro Ray. The Gundam was incredibly advanced for its time. Built from lightweight Luna Titanium Alloy, its frame was both lighter than that of Zeon's mass-produced mobile suits and much sturdier, able to shrug off a MS-06 Zaku II's machine gun fire with little to no damage. Its offensive power was above and beyond that of the Zakus. The Gundam would engage in most battles with its beam rifle, making it the first mobile suit to have firepower equivalent to a battleship's beam cannons. In addition, it made use of two beam sabers, blades of extremely hot plasma which could cut through any metal with ease. Those beam sabers could be extended into a spear-like beam javelin, which could be used to stab into an enemy from a longer distance.The Gundam also used more conventional weaponry; it could launch rockets with a "Hyper Bazooka", the Federation's answer to the bazookas used by Zeon's Zakus; in addition, its head was outfitted with a pair of small vulcan guns, as a way of attacking light-armored aircraft and vehicles without wasting ammo or energy from its more powerful armaments. It also made use of a very unconventional close-range weapon known as the "Gundam Hammer" - a large weapon similar to a flail which could be swung at enemies to deal crushing damage. The Gundam Hammer was eventually upgraded for use in space and outfitted with a number of verniers on the ball, and renamed to be the "Hyper Hammer". Lastly, it wielded a shield which would offer it a defense against enemy attacks that not even its Luna Titanium body could withstand without damage. Gundam pilot, Amuro Ray, would make use of the shield as a decoy in many battles, taking advantage of its size to fool the enemy into thinking he was charging at them, then attacking the enemy through the shield.In terms of technology, the Gundam was equipped with a sophisticated Learning Computer which would collect pilot and enemy data during skirmishes and allow the Gundam to operate more effectively. The data from the computer was used by the Federation to improve the controls of the Gundam's mass-produced form, the RGM-79 GM. In addition, it was upgraded by Federation technician Mosque Han shortly before the Battle of A Baoa Qu to improve its reaction times, the joints of the Gundam were given a Magnet Coating, based on the experimental procedure performed on the RX-78-3 "G-3" Gundam and later used on Amuro's intended successor unit, the RX-78NT-1 Gundam "Alex".The Gundam makes use of the Core Block System implemented in the other V Project units. The torso of the Gundam is mostly hollow so that a FF-X7 Core Fighter can dock with it. This allows the pilot to jettison the legs and torso of the Gundam should the machine be too heavily damaged and gives the pilot a chance to escape from battle. Later, during Operation Odessa, the Gundam is given a support unit known as the G-Fighter. The two G-Fighters were designed to take advantage of the Gundam's modular system and diversify the Gundam's role in active combat. These modes ranged from the assault bomber G-Armor to the close combat support tank G-Bull. Officially, it is called a prototype, but it is also said to be more of a custom-made machine that is finished with high quality materials and the best technology.
![HG 1/144 HGUC RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8](
HG 1/144 HGUC RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8
$21.00The RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8 is a customized RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type introduced in the OVA Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team and is piloted by the main protagonist Shiro Amada. During the battle with the Apsaras II, Shiro Amada's Gundam Ground Type was heavily damaged, necessitating major repair and overhaul. Based on the combat data collected up until that point, as well as feedback from Shiro Amada himself, the Gundam received various modifications. The result became known as Gundam Ez8, short for "Extra-zero-8", which stood for "08th MS Team extra unit".The Ez8's chest armor received major changes. Its chest armor plating was made using two Zaku II shoulder shields welded together, which can flip open for easy maintenance and can withstand a direct hit from a Zaku II's 175mm Recoilless Rifle with only a few scratches. The multi-launcher and the chest-mounted vulcan gun were removed due to being considered unnecessary. Instead, a 12.7mm vulcan gun was mounted just below the chest armor.Due to high damage rates in the jungle, the Gundam's signature V-fin was replaced with a rod antenna mounted on the right side of the head. The snorkel camera was removed, and a pair of 35mm vulcan guns were mounted on either side of the head. Due to the lack of Luna Titanium armor material, extra armor was added to the forehead and around the chin for protection. Other changes include the addition of movable knee spikes, which ensure stability during firing, and an improved shield fitted with extra armor. Due to improved power balance, its backpack thrusters had a higher output despite being visually identical.Overall, as a result of the various modifications, the Ez8 was made lighter without significantly sacrificing durability. Though its basic performance was unchanged from the Gundam Ground Type, it was slightly superior in terms of mobility and communications ability.

HG 1/144 HGUC MS-06F Zaku II (2021)
$21.00The MS-06F Zaku II is one of many variants of the MS-06 Zaku II series and first appeared in Mobile Suit Gundam television series. The MS-06F Zaku II was the Principality of Zeon's mainstay mobile suit during the One Year War. Compared to the MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type, the MS-06F removed the heavy anti-nuclear protections, reducing its armor weight and improving its mobility. It was also refitted with a more powerful generator: the MYFG-M-ES series fusion reactor, jointly developed by Zeonic and M&Y Company. Otherwise, it was not significantly different from its predecessors, the MS-06A and the MS-06C. There existed subtle differences among the F-Type, depending on the time of manufacture and the originating factory. Prior to the introduction of the MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type, MS-06F piloted by squadron leaders were equipped with a head-mounted blade antenna.The MS-06F could run at a speed of 85 km/h, leap 100m into the air with the use of its thrusters, and lift around 80-90t of weight with one hand. Its thrusters had a thrust of 45 tons. Though its punch had a force of 560t, doing so risked severely damaging its manipualators. Instead it more frequently used the spike armor on its left shoulder for shoulder tackle, which had a force of 4,500t. The cost of a MS-06F was equivalent to that of five Type 61 Tanks, or 1,500 civilian automobiles from the year U.C. 0078 (each costing 30% of a salaryman's average annual salary).

HG 1/144 HGIBO ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus
$13.00The ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus is the main mobile suit in the first half of the second season of Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS. It is piloted by Mikazuki Augus. As the ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos fought many battles with its pilot Mikazuki Augus, it became too damaged to be repaired. It was then sent to the MS Workshop in Saisei, the home base of Teiwaz, for an overhaul. The new name "Lupus" was given by the Saisei's Chief Mechanic, who was also responsible for the mobile suit's maintenance.Based on Mikazuki's combat data, the mobile suit was reconfigured as a close combat unit, and its reaction speed and mobility were also increased, with adjustments made through the Alaya-Vijnana System to deepen the link between the machine's movement and the pilot's own senses. As a result, the Gundam Frame's response rate was adjusted to match with the speed that Mikazuki senses. Other changes to the suit's frame include the arms' frame being lengthened to match Mikazuki's senses, while the legs' frame was modified and has ground-use suspensions to help adapt seamlessly to combat in all environment. Lastly, frame parts in the arm and leg joints were replaced by those reproduced by Teiwaz, this helps to resolve the accumulated damages and also improved their movability. The boosters on the waist were based on those previously used by Barbatos 5th form Ground Type and 6th form.The suit's close combat armaments were rebuilt to better fit Mikazuki's fighting style, and handheld firearms were kept to a minimum, instead, the suit uses exchangeable firearms attached to the forearms. Defense wise, as damage sustained until the suit gets close to the opponent is a major issue, it is fitted with light body armor that is designed to most effectively fend off the impacts of being shot by greater use of the curved surface.

HG 1/144 HGUC MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki (Revive Ver.)
$23.00 $16.10The MSN-00100 (MSN-100, MSN-001) Hyaku Shiki (百式, "Type 100") is a prototype Mobile Suit introduced in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and reappeared in the sequel Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ. It was primarily piloted by Quattro Bajeena during the Gryps Conflict and later by Beecha Oleg in the First Neo Zeon War. The Hyaku Shiki is a mobile suit built by Anaheim Electronics as part of the "Zeta Project". It was originally designed as the prototype transformable mobile suit, MSN-001 Delta Gundam which incorporated Anaheim Electronics' own "movable frame" technology and backpack-mounted wing binders for additional mobility. However, defects in the frame design led to problems in its transformation and the machine's development was soon abandoned.When the AEUG captured the Titans' RX-178 Gundam Mk-II, the movable frame technology of this newly acquired mobile suit assisted greatly in the advancement of the Zeta Project and also led to the redesigning of the Delta Gundam into the high performance, non-transformable Hyaku Shiki. Hyaku Shiki, which means 'Type 100' in Japanese, is named as such by its lead developer, Professor M.Nagano who hoped to create a mobile suit design that would endure for a hundred years. Because of the reliability of each device and its ease of access to the interior, the Hyaku Shiki was also used as a testbed for operational testing of various equipment under development.The Hyaku Shiki's gold colored appearance is due to the application of a beam-resistant coating on its armor, giving it some limited protection against beam attacks. The suit also has a unique sensor called the Image Directive Encode (IDE) system, which emits a red pattern when scanning or during precision aiming. It also retains several design features from the original Delta Gundam design, most notably the legs' front armor and backpack-mounted wing binders. The Delta Gundam's transformation capabilities later resurfaced in the MSN-001A1 Delta Plus.

HG 1/144 HGUC MS-06R-2 Zaku II High Mobility Type (Johnny Ridden Ver.)
$23.00The MS-06R-2 Zaku II High Mobility Type is a limited production space combat mobile suit. It was first featured in the original design series Mobile Suit Variations (MSV). One of the last machines in the Zaku II High Mobility Type series, the MS-06R-2 Zaku II High Mobility Type was Zeonic Company's entry in the competition for the Principality of Zeon's next generation space-use mainstay MS. It was a replacement for the beam weaponry equipped MS-11 (later the MS-14 Gelgoog) which was facing delays in development. The competition was one of Zeon's responses to the Earth Federation Forces' successful development of their own MS and their counter offenses.The R-2 had a complicated development history that reflected the confusion that plagued the Zeon’s mobile suit development. It is based on the MS-06R-2P Zaku II High Mobility Test Type, which was intended to be able to use beam weaponry, but failed to reach a practical level. However, the suit exhibited high capabilities even without beam weaponry, and was later redesigned into the high mobility R-2 which uses normal Zaku II weapons. The R-2’s exterior is almost identical to the past Zaku II High Mobility Type machines, but it has been greatly altered in various areas, such as a new generator with higher output, a different chest piece, higher propellant capacity, and the use of lighter and better armor material in some sections. Thus, the R-2 has higher performance and is lighter than the R-1 and the R-1A Types.The R-2 was reputed as a “Gelgoog wearing a Zaku’s skin” for its high capabilities. In fact, it used parts meant for the still in development Gelgoog in its construction. A result of this is that its legs’ internal structure has been redesigned. The R-2’s legs are also better armored compared to previous Zaku High Mobility Types, offering better protection against enemies attacks. These added armor also make the silhouette of the R-2’s legs more similar to that of the Gelgoog’s. It should however be noted that the shape of the leg armor can vary slightly from machine to machine. Like the other Zaku High Mobility Types, the R-2 has propellant tanks in the calfs and thighs to increase the operating time of the legs’ propulsion devices.The suit’s backpack is based on those used by past Zaku High Mobility Type machines, but the propellant tank at the top is enlarged and holds 18% more fuel than the R-1A Type’s. Other features of the backpack remain the same, such as large thruster nozzles, an exposed roll bar at the top that could facilitate exchange of propellant tank or the entire backpack, and fin-shaped stabilizers at the bottom that can move together with the thrusters, granting the suit high mobility and maneuverability. The R-2’s communication and sensor systems are also enhanced like the past Zaku High Mobility Types. Despite having a blade antenna on its head, this does not indicate that the suit is a commander use machine as with the usual Zaku II. Instead, it is said that the suit’s designer included the blade antenna simply for decorative purposes, and it is present on all the R-2 machines during roll out. The particularly shape of blade antenna used is known as the stabilizer type.Despite having better specifications, the R-2 lost the competition to the Zimmad Company’s MS-09R Rick Dom due to issues with cost and operating conditions. In the end, only four R-2 were produced, and they were deployed to ace pilots, such as Johnny Ridden.

HG 1/144 HGUC MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai
$32.00The MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai (aka δ Kai or δΧ) is a prototype transformable mobile suit developed from the MSN-001A1 Delta Plus. It appears in the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn video game, Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. 0094: Across the Sky and UC-MSV. The final machine of Anaheim Electronics' Delta-type series, the Gundam Delta Kai is an enhanced version of the MSN-001A1 Delta Plus, which is used to demonstrate new experimental technologies that can be used for future mobile suits. As such, the unit is greatly overhauled from the regular Delta Plus, modifying both the MS and Waverider forms as well as enhancing its variable frame. Several thrusters were also fitted into the unit's legs and back skirt which allow the MS to fly in both space and under gravity, giving it a tremendous amount of speed and maneuverability. The Waverider mode can also function as a subflight system when needed.Aside from the aesthetic change, the Delta Kai is fitted with various experimental weaponry derived from older mobile suits. This gives it a higher attack power and versatility than the Delta Plus, however despite the amount of weapons equipped it is very complicated to use in a tactical situation. The Delta Kai is also equipped with a specialized system called the n_i_t_r_o System, allowing regular pilots to gain Cyber Newtype-like abilities.

HG 1/144 HGUC RGM-79N GM Custom
$16.00The RGM-79N GM Custom is a limited-production general-purpose mobile suit introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. Developed as part of the Federation Forces Reconstruction Project that began in U.C. 0081, the design of the RGM-79N GM Custom was based on the RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom, the RGM-79G GM Command, the RGM-79GS GM Command Space Type, and the RX-78NT-1 Gundam NT-1. It was developed at Augusta Base and incorporated many parts that were developed for Gundam NT-1, which was originally considered for mass production. Because of this, the GM Custom's specifications were considered top class even among Augusta series mobile suits, which were already renowned for their high performance. Its thrust was almost twice that of previous GMs and its generator output rivalled Gundam type mobile suits, making it one of the Federation's highest performing mass production unit prior to the Delaz Conflict.Additionally, Magnet Coating was said to be applied to the shoulder and elbow joints to improve their flexibility. However, the GM Custom's specifications did not excel at any one aspect and was derided as "remarkable for being unremarkable" by some. Also, its high performance came at the price of high production cost. As a result, even though it was planned for mass production, only a small number of units were manufactured and assigned to ace pilots. Various aspects of these units, such as the trims of the sub thrusters, and the response and torque of the actuators in the four limbs, were adjusted to better suit their pilots. Following the end of the Delaz Conflict, the Titans took over the project and made some changes to the GM Custom's designs, creating the RGM-79Q GM Quel.

HG 1/144 HGUC MS-06F2 Zaku II F2 Type (E.F.S.F Ver.)
$20.00The MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type (aka MS-06F2 Zaku II F2 Type) is a mobile suit introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. The F2 Type was the late production variant of the MS-06F Zaku II. Based on the operation data of its predecessor, the F2's design concept was to revise the Zaku II for anti-mobile suit combat - something that was not accounted for in mobile suit design until the MS-07B Gouf - by reducing its weight and increasing its thruster output. In addition, since the F Type's armor around the cockpit hatch was fragile, the F2 Type featured a redesigned chest armor, which became its most distinctive feature compared to other models of the same series.Since a portion of the F2 Type was produced after the implementation of the United Maintenance Plan, these units share the same unified cockpit design as well as some parts as other second phase production type mobile suits. These units were easier to pilot than existing mobile suits, and were popular among new recruits and cadets.

HG 1/144 HGAW GX-9900 Gundam X
$23.00The GX-9900 Gundam X (aka Gundam X, GX) is a limited production mobile suit built by the United Nations Earth, and the titular mobile suit of After War Gundam X. Its pilot include Jamil Neate and Garrod Ran. Another slightly different unit appeared in the manga sequel, After War Gundam X: Under the Moonlight, and is piloted by Rick Aller. Built at the height of MS advancement by the UNE, the GX-9900 Gundam X is one of the most advanced MS of its time. It was produced in limited numbers and deployed near the end of the 7th Space War. After the environmental devastation at the end of the war, MS development on Earth became stagnant as humanity recovered; Gundam X and its brethren Gundam series thus remain top-of-the-line after 15 years. Because the UNE no longer existed, there was no regulation over the Gundams and they found new life in the hands of the Vultures.The Gundam X carries a powerful beam cannon known as the Satellite Cannon. The cannon requires power beyond what Gundam X is capable of on its own, so UNE engineers created the D.O.M.E. lunar microwave facility to power it. When the Satellite Cannon is activated, solar power collected at the facility is sent to the Gundam X via a microwave beam and stored in the large reflector panels mounted on the suit's back, enabling the cannon to fire a particle beam powerful enough to destroy a space colony with a single shot. While the Satellite Cannon is indeed powerful, it requires a lengthy time to charge and fire. Enemy units can take this opportunity to attack Gundam X and disrupt its ability to absorb the microwave beam. During the war, several relay satellites were positioned in Earth's orbit that allowed the microwave beam from D.O.M.E. to be transmitted to any location. However, they were all destroyed or damaged in the war, so this resulted in the Satellite Cannon being usable only when there is a clear line-of-sight to the lunar facility.Other weapons on the Gundam X include a large beam sword, four chest mounted vulcan guns, and a shield buster rifle. This allows Gundam X to be adaptable and versatile in most combat situations. Both the large beam sword and the shield buster rifle can utilize the stored microwave energy. The Vultures who have salvaged Gundam X units also gave these machines new weaponry such as shoulder vulcan, torpedo launcher, holster shield, buster sheath rifle, etc. The Gundam X was also designed to exploit the capabilities of its Newtype pilot, but was usable by regular humans as well. A Newtype pilot at the helm can use the Flash System to mentally command remote controlled drone versions of Gundam X, the FX-9900 GX-Bits. These GX-Bits are very similar in design to the Gundam X, and in combat, they are used for coordinated attacks. For regular human pilot, the bits are useless as UNE engineers never created an alternative control system for them to exploit the full potential of Gundam X.The UNE's Gundam series, including Gundam X, has a simple security measure: a G-Controller, a detachable control stick that also serves as the activation key for the mobile suits. However, this is not a strong security measure, as any G-Controller can be used to activate the Gundam. A skilled MS engineer can also hot-wire the system, bypassing the need for a G-Controller to activate the Gundam, and install a new control stick to control the machine.Garrod's unit was defeated by a Newtype pilot utilizing RMSN-008 Bertigo and then upgraded into the GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider. The New UNE later created the GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X as Gundam X's successor.