From the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury comes a Figure-rise Standard model kit of the pilot Chuatury Panlunch, affectionately known as "ChuChu." This highly detailed kit captures her iconic pink hairstyle and distinctive uniform, offering a faithful representation for fans and model enthusiasts alike.
Key Features:
Scale: Non-scale (approximately 1/12)
Articulation: Highly articulated, allowing for dynamic and expressive poses.
Accessories: Includes:
- Three facial expression parts: one tampo-printed and two with water transfer decals.
- Alternate body parts for crouching and sitting positions.
- Ten interchangeable hand parts with detailed fingertips.
- Two wrenches and a smartphone-type student notebook.
- Display stand with adjustable support arm.
Design Details: Features ChuChu's distinctive hairstyle and uniform, with parts composition and included stickers accurately representing her appearance from the series.
Release Information:
Released in February 2024, this model kit is part of Bandai's Figure-rise Standard lineup, providing builders with a detailed and poseable figure of ChuChu from the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury series.
The Figure-rise Standard Chuatury Panlunch (ChuChu) model kit is an excellent addition for Gundam enthusiasts and model kit collectors, offering a blend of intricate design and versatility.