The MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam was the titular mobile suit of the anime Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. It was also featured in the sequel series Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ.
Developed as part of Project Zeta, a third generation mobile suit development plan launched by Anaheim Electronics upon request from the AEUG, the Zeta Gundam was a revolutionary Transformable Mobile Suit (TMS). While Anaheim's previous attempt at creating a TMS, the MSN-001 Delta Gundam, failed due to issues with its transformable movable frame, the Zeta Gundam solved this problem by studying the design concept of the RX-178 Gundam Mk-II's movable frame, which had an excellent basic design. In addition, it adopted Gundarium γ alloy armor, previously used on Anaheim's RMS-099 Rick Dias.
The Zeta Gundam was capable of transforming into a cruising mode known as "Wave Rider Mode". In this form, the Zeta Gundam adopted a wedge shape, concentrating the shockwave generated by supersonic flight underneath it and riding the resulting wave, hence its name. In this form, it was capable of entering the atmosphere without any optional equipment thanks to the Flying Armor mounted on the movable frame on its back, which protected it from shockwave and heat during atmospheric entry. The Flying Armor was based on data from the support vehicle of the same name, and could be replaced with other equipment, such as the Wing Binders for the Wave Shooter specification. The Wave Rider Mode could also function as a sub-flight system for other mobile suit.
Due to the Zeta Gundam's complex transformation mechanism, it was impossible to mount generators in its upper body. Instead, it was equipped with a generator in each shin, a design concept inspired by the RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam "Zephyranthes" Full Burnern. Its legs were also installed with thermonuclear jet/rocket hybrid engines, which were capable of functioning both in space and in the atmosphere, allowing the Zeta Gundam to engage in aerial combat immediately after atmospheric entry.
The Zeta Gundam's weapons were highly systematic and presented almost no hindrance when carried. It was armed with a pair of head-mounted vulcan guns, a pair of beam sabers stored in the side skirt armor that served as beam guns in Wave Rider Mode, a pair of forearm-mounted grenade launchers, an E-pac powered beam rifle, a shield attached to the left forearm that served as the Wave Rider Mode's nose unit, and the Hyper Mega Launcher, a powerful beam weapon developed from the MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki's Mega Bazooka Launcher. Thanks to these weapons, it was capable of handling nearly all battlefield situations.
Finally, the Zeta Gundam was equipped with the Bio-Sensor, a Quasi-Psycommu device that assisted with the mobile suit's controls using the pilot's brainwaves, improving its responsiveness. Though details about this device was unclear, there were instances of it allowing the Zeta Gundam to demonstrate abilities beyond its specifications during combat. Overall, the Zeta Gundam had exceptionally high operability and was regarded as a masterpiece of the Gryps Conflict era.