SD BB Senshi BB248 Gundam Astray Red Frame


The MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame is a Mobile Suit in the Gundam SEED Astray series of manga, novels, and photonovel. It is operated by Junk Guild member Lowe Guele.

The MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame is one of five identical prototype mobile suits developed by Orb using stolen data from the Earth Alliance's G Project. Its original concept was to be an MS that could be piloted by Naturals, and it was eventually loaded with an incomplete Natural-use OS. Most of the technology from the G Project is successfully copied with the exception of Phase Shift armor. In its place, the Gundam Astrays' designers made the machines out of a lighter foam metal compound, with minimal armor over the frame. This made the mobile suits lighter and faster than their G Project counterparts. All five prototype Gundam Astrays are also designed with a backpack that can be lowered to the back skirt armor, allowing the mounting of additional equipment on the back.

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