Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory

HG 1/144 HGUC MS-06F2 Zaku II F2 Type (Zeon Ver.)
$20.00The MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type (aka MS-06F2 Zaku II F2 Type) is a mobile suit introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. The F2 Type was the late production variant of the MS-06F Zaku II. Based on the operation data of its predecessor, the F2's design concept was to revise the Zaku II for anti-mobile suit combat - something that was not accounted for in mobile suit design until the MS-07B Gouf - by reducing its weight and increasing its thruster output. In addition, since the F Type's armor around the cockpit hatch was fragile, the F2 Type featured a redesigned chest armor, which became its most distinctive feature compared to other models of the same series. Since a portion of the F2 Type was produced after the implementation of the United Maintenance Plan, these units share the same unified cockpit design as well as some parts as other second phase production type mobile suits. These units were easier to pilot than existing mobile suits, and were popular among new recruits and cadets.

HG 1/144 HGUC RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam "Zephyranthes" Full Burnern
$20.00The RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam "Zephyranthes" Full Burnern is the upgraded space-use version of the RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes". Introduced in the anime OVA series Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, it is piloted by Kou Uraki. The RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" was designed to operate in both Earth and Space by using the appropriate Core Fighter and although the space-use unit was ready, the suit was unfortunately wrecked before it could be fitted on. The damaged GP01 was recovered and the engineers of Anaheim Electronics gave it a massive overhaul while repairing it, creating the RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam "Zephyranthes" Full Burnern, which is designed for space combat. The renovation process was completed in two days, with operational testing carried out at Anaheim Electronics's Livermore factory.Its armor is more streamlined for better mobility in space, and thrusters are mounted in the chest, shoulders and legs. The air-intakes on the chest are replaced with reverse thrusters, with the covers expanding during use. The shoulder armor now contains shoulder vernier pods, and added thrusters are attached to the back of the legs and the soles. Propellant tanks are built into the shins to further extend the suit's operating time. The backpack is equipped with built-in generators and also has the most noticeable addition: the two Universal Boost Pods. The Universal Boost Pods allow the Full Burnern to have superior acceleration and mobility when compared to other units at that time. As a result, the pilot has to contend with high G-forces due to overwhelming acceleration.

RG 1/144 RX-78 GP01 Gundam GP01 Zephyranthes
$31.00The RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" (aka Zephyranthes, GP01, Unit 1) is a prototype general-purpose mobile suit from the Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory OVA series. It was piloted by Kou Uraki. As described in the Master Grade model manual and MS Encyclopedia, at the conclusion of the One Year War, the Federation started the Gundam Development Project, aimed at creating mobile suits superior to those that Zeon had developed. The RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" was the second of five prototype Gundam-type mobile suits completed under this plan.The RX-78GP01 was designed to be able to operate under any condition on earth or in space. To that end, its design is superficially similar to the other RX series Gundams. Unlike previous suits, this was one of the first to re-introduce the core fighter concept in its design, utilizing the recently developed FF-XII Core Fighter II as the cockpit. Though the GP01 is operable in both Earth and outer space, it needs to be configured for each environment before battle by using the appropriate Core Fighters. Otherwise, the GP01 will suffer from a lack of balance and become near impossible to pilot.One major innovation in the RX-78GP01's arsenal was the addition of a beam rifle that used a removable energy capacitor called e-pac. Previous beam rifle designs had the energy capacitor integrated into the rifle directly, resulting in the rifle becoming dead weight once the capacitor was depleted. With e-pac, a beam rifle can be used as long as the pilot has a ready supply of replacement e-pacs. The RX-78GP01 has three e-pacs (one mounted on the rifle, two held in reserve on the shield) in its normal deployment configuration.

RG 1/144 RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam Zephyranthes Full Burnern
$31.00The RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam "Zephyranthes" Full Burnern is the upgraded space-use version of the RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes". Introduced in the anime OVA series Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, it is piloted by Kou Uraki. The RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" was designed to operate in both Earth and Space by using the appropriate Core Fighter and although the space-use unit was ready, the suit was unfortunately wrecked before it could be fitted on. The damaged GP01 was recovered and the engineers of Anaheim Electronics gave it a massive overhaul while repairing it, creating the RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam "Zephyranthes" Full Burnern, which is designed for space combat. The renovation process was completed in two days, with operational testing carried out at Anaheim Electronics's Livermore factory.Its armor is more streamlined for better mobility in space, and thrusters are mounted in the chest, shoulders and legs. The air-intakes on the chest are replaced with reverse thrusters, with the covers expanding during use. The shoulder armor now contains shoulder vernier pods, and added thrusters are attached to the back of the legs and the soles. Propellant tanks are built into the shins to further extend the suit's operating time. The backpack is equipped with built-in generators and also has the most noticeable addition: the two Universal Boost Pods. The Universal Boost Pods allow the Full Burnern to have superior acceleration and mobility when compared to other units at that time. As a result, the pilot has to contend with high G-forces due to overwhelming acceleration.

HG 1/144 RX-78GP03S Gundam GP03S
$21.00The RX-78GP03S Gundam "Stamen" (Development codename: Dendrobium Stamen) is a mobile suit that serves as the core unit for the RX-78GP03 Gundam "Dendrobium". It was first seen in Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory OVA and was piloted by Kou Uraki. The RX-78GP03S Gundam Stamen is one of two components that make up the RX-78GP03 Gundam "Dendrobium", with the other being the armed base Orchis. The Stamen serves as the control unit for the Gundam "Dendrobium" and can operate on its own when required. The suit has two beam sabers, a folding shield, and a beam rifle as standard armament, and can optionally use folding bazookas. The traditional twin-head Vulcans were removed, with the freed space used to install more advanced avionics and sensor systems.The "Stamen" was designed with two cockpit options: a Core Block System, and a spherical cockpit with linear seat and panoramic monitors that gives its pilot a full view of the battlefield that was first used in the RX-78NT-1 Gundam "Alex". In the end, the spherical cockpit was selected as the default as it provided superior fire control capabilities. This is of particular importance as when the Stamen is docked with the "Orchis", it must be able to efficiently control and use the large amounts of weapons stored in the "Orchis". Another unique feature of the "Stamen" is the tail binders mounted on the sides of the waist for increased maneuverability and to dock with the Orchis. Lastly, a set of foldable manipulator arms used to retrieve weapons from the Orchis' weapon containers were concealed in the forearms of the GP03S.

HG 1/144 RX-798GP02A Gundam GP02A Physalis
$25.00The RX-78GP02A Gundam "Physalis" (aka "Physalis", GP02A) is the second of four mobile suits in the Gundam Development Project featured in Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. Originally belonging to Earth Federation, it was stolen and piloted by Delaz Fleet's ace pilot, Anavel Gato. The Gundam "Physalis" was initially supposed to be an assault-use, heavy mobile suit similar to the Principality of Zeon's Dom series. This was eventually dropped and replaced by the goal of being the most powerful MS to date. Inadvertently, this led to the Physalis being armed with the most deadly weapon available, a nuclear warhead. The second research division of Anaheim Electronics in charge of developing the Physalis was mainly comprised of former Zeon engineers, so Zeon-based technology is strongly incorporated into the mobile suit.Due to the jamming effects of Minovsky particles, guided precision nuclear weapons were rendered unusable and because of this, strategic nuclear warheads that served as a deterrent and as a means of retaliation were useless. Thus, the only viable choice is a tactical nuclear warhead meant for use in combat situations with friendly forces nearby and tend to have a lower explosive power than the strategic nuclear warheads. However, this is not always the case, as the Mk-82 warhead used by Physalis has an explosive power comparable to a strategic nuclear warhead despite its tactical classification.The Physalis uses an atomic bazooka to launch the Mk-82 warhead, but due to the bazooka's relatively short firing range, the mobile suit's armor was designed to be both heat and shock resistant to protect itself from the nuclear blast. Similarly, to ensure the pilot's safety when the Physalis operates near the blast area, its cockpit was designed to be more impact resistance and with higher pilot survivability than normal mobile suit's. Instead of a Core Block System, the Physalis utilized a spherical cockpit block that was first proposed at the end of the One Year War, and it is protected by multiple layers of composite armor and cushioning material.The cockpit itself is also filled with powerful neutron moderators to better protect the pilot from the harmful effects of being near the blast area. In case of emergency, the cockpit can be ejected with explosive bolts. The Physalis also carried a large shield that contains a powerful cooling system. This shield also stores the barrel of the bazooka when the weapon is not in use. Other weapons of the Physalis included two head-mounted Vulcan guns and two beam sabers stored in the side skirt armor.Despite its bulky appearance, the Physalis is highly maneuverable and can hover when operating under gravity. This is thanks to the newly developed high-output generators installed in the mobile suit, as well as the pair of 'Flexible Thruster Binders' mounted on the shoulders that house multiple thrusters. Overall, the Physalis is a powerful mobile suit even without its nuclear weapon. It was also rumored to be designed to work in tandem with its brother unit, the RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes".While nuclear weapons were abhorred due to their destructive effects, the leaders of the Earth Federation Forces viewed them as a necessary evil to maintain its superiority in the post-One Year War period. In fact, the Principality of Zeon had deployed or attempted to deploy nuclear weapons on multiple occasions during the war, even after the signing of the Antarctic Treaty. Furthermore, the Antarctic Treaty only prohibited the "use" of nuclear weapons as opposed to the "development" and "storage" of them. Thus, the Physalis was technically not a violation of the treaty.There were also some that viewed the Antarctic Treaty as a wartime treaty that was defunct in the post-war period, but there were others that thought differently. Aiguille Delaz of the Delaz Fleet, a Principality of Zeon remnant group that eventually stole the Physalis, was an example, albeit a radical one. He considered the treaty still in effect as he did not recognize the peace treaty signed at the end of the One Year War. He then used this supposed violation by the Earth Federation Forces to rationalize the capture and use of the Physalis and its nuclear weapon.

Gundam Robot Spirits RX-78GP03S Gundam GP03S (ver. A.N.I.M.E.)
$75.00 $65.00The RX-78GP03S Gundam "Stamen" (Development codename: Dendrobium Stamen) is a mobile suit that serves as the core unit for the RX-78GP03 Gundam "Dendrobium". It was first seen in Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory OVA and was piloted by Kou Uraki.