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10 Beginner-Friendly Gundam Gunpla Kits for Novice Builders

September 12 2023
10 Beginner-Friendly Gundam Gunpla Kits for Novice Builders

Embarking on a journey into the world of Gundam Plastic Models, or Gunpla, can be an exciting yet daunting prospect for newcomers. With an array of kits available, each varying in complexity and design, beginners often find themselves overwhelmed when trying to choose their first kit. That's where this guide comes in. We've carefully curated a list of beginner-friendly Gundam Gunpla kits, ranked by complexity, affordability, and availability, to provide aspiring modelers with an accessible and enjoyable starting point.

Why This List is Essential

This list serves a specific purpose: to make the Gundam Gunpla experience more approachable for those new to model building or Gunpla specifically. While building Gunpla is a highly rewarding hobby, it can be intimidating for beginners. The sheer diversity of kits, with varying degrees of complexity, can be a stumbling block. This list streamlines the selection process by presenting options that are well-suited for beginners.

Choosing the Right Gundam Gunpla Kit for Novice Builders

Gundam Gunpla kits are graded based on their complexity, from the simplest Entry Grade (EG)  kits to the more intricate Master Grade (MG) kits. The kits featured in this list have been carefully chosen to cater to beginners. They have fewer parts, straightforward assembly processes, and clear instructions. These qualities ensure that even those with no prior model-building experience can confidently construct their first Gundam Gunpla model.


Affordability and Availability Considered for Gundam Gunpla Kits

In addition to simplicity, affordability and availability are also important factors. The kits featured in this list are more likely to be readily available in hobby shops and online stores. This ensures that aspiring modelers can easily find and purchase them without frustration. The approximate pricing points provided further aid beginners in selecting Gundam Gunpla kits that align with their budgets.

The Joy of Building: 10 Beginner-Friendly Gundam Gunpla Kits

  1. EG 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam (Full Weapon Set)
    Scale: 1/144
    Price: $11

  2. Entry Grade RX-93 Nu Gundam
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $14

  3. HGUC Char's Zaku II (Revive)
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $14

  4. HG 1/144 HGAC OZ-06MS Leo
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $13

  5. HGUC GM Sniper II
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $22

  6. HGUC RX-78-2 Gundam (Revive)
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $13

  7. HGUC Gouf Custom
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $22

  8. HGCE Freedom Gundam
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $23

  9. HG 1/144 HGUC RX-77-2 Gun Cannon
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $16

  10. HG 1/144 Witch from the Mercury XVX-016 Gundam Aerial
    Scale: 1/144
    Price Range: $17
    Explanation: The newly designed HG, from The Witch from Mercury Gundam Series, offers more details, better build experiences, and more complex articulations normally only seen in Real Grades.


In Conclusion

As you venture into the world of Gundam Gunpla, remember that the journey is just as rewarding as the destination. Take your time, explore these beginner-friendly kits, and savor the creative process of bringing your very own Gundam Gunpla model to life. We wish you a joyous and fulfilling Gundam Gunpla building journey!

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