The RGM-79SP GM Sniper II (ジム・スナイパーII Jimu sunaipā II?) is a variant of the RGM-79G GM Command and first appeared in Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket.
Based on the GM Command series and the concept of the RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom deployed earlier in the war, the GM Sniper II is a high-performance machine capable of using specialized weaponry at maximum capacity for ultra-long-range engagements. It was the last and most advanced of the Federation's line of GM Sniper mobile suits during the One Year War. It was also one of the last GM-type units to be developed during the war.
The GM Sniper II's specialized head visor has built-in compound sensors with specialized laser sensors, powerful zoom cameras, and image stabilizers for precision, and long-range targeting. During operation, goggles cover the main camera and other elements of the head sensor array, and together with head unit coolers, they physically eliminate noise interference and enhance long-range sniping capabilities. The suit is one of the few capable of accurately firing MS-sized sniper rifles that used physical projectiles. Unlike beam weapons, these rifles are not affected by magnetic forces or solar winds, but only a few were made.
Operationally, the GM Sniper II was used to eliminate priority targets such as base ships and command machines from beyond the range of conventional weapons. However, the suit is not just a long-range specialist. Like the highly regarded GM Sniper Custom deployed earlier, the GM Sniper II maintains versatility while having enhanced performance. It has sufficient specifications for mid-range support and close combat and can use almost any existing MS armament. In terms of overall performance, it was one of the few machines to match the RX-78-2 Gundam, which was the standard against which other Federation suits were held to. In fact, its specifications on paper were superior to the Gundam's, and it was one of the few Federation production suits that could take on the MS-14A Gelgoog in a one-on-one fight.
The armor of the GM Sniper II is reinforced with pieces of Luna Titanium alloy, and mobility is improved via sub-thrusters in various locations and a total of six large vernier thrusters – two in the backpack and four on the legs. The four large vernier thrusters in the legs have high output to make up for the shortfall in the output of the backpack thrusters, which are designed for precision, and boast superb pitching performance (rapid up and down movements). The suit's main verniers are built along the machine's core axis, an arrangement also used in later MS such as the MSA-003 Nemo and RGM-89 Jegan. This is an effective way to boost mobility while maintaining the same basic silhouette. The suit's torso is an upgraded version of the GM Command's and has superior specifications with additional waste heat and electrical noise suppression material. Its arms are constructed with the same parts used in other GM models, but with highly tuned servos and actuators and an updated driver.
Only very few GM Sniper II were manufactured due to it being developed late in the war. Production costs were also undeniably higher than standard mass-produced machines, and apart from a few prototypes built for test purposes, the suit did not have any follow-up models. It is believed that the GM Sniper II's development team later worked on the Nemo, but this is unconfirmed. Due to the GM Sniper II's excellent performance and shooting capabilities, it continued to be used for sniping missions long after the war ended. Units deployed by the Titans have a dark blue color scheme and updated features such as a new optical camera system for long-range shooting and improved sensor radius.
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HG 1/144 RGM-79SP GM Sniper II
Bandai SKU: 2180532
High Grade 1/144 GundamGunpla 101

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