The HG 1/144 Gundam Gusion from the acclaimed series Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans is a high-grade model kit that brings the formidable mobile suit to life in stunning detail. Known for its bulky armor and immense power, the Gundam Gusion is a favorite among fans and modelers alike.
Key Features:
- Scale and Materials: 1/144 scale model kit crafted from high-quality polystyrene and polyethylene, ensuring durability and precision in every component.
- Articulation: Features a double-sided ball-joint neck, pivoting torso, and flexible shoulder joints, allowing for dynamic poses that capture the Gundam's imposing presence.
- Weaponry: Equipped with the iconic Gusion Hammer and a sub-machine gun, enabling a variety of combat-ready display options.
- Design Details: The model faithfully replicates the Gundam Gusion's unique design, including its distinctive head and armor configurations.
Release Information:
Released in December 2015 as part of Bandai's High Grade IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS line, this kit offers an accessible yet detailed build, making it ideal for both newcomers and seasoned builders.
The HG 1/144 Gundam Gusion is a must-have addition to any Gundam collection, offering a rewarding building experience and a striking display piece that embodies the raw power of the Iron-Blooded Orphans universe.