The ASW-G-29 Gundam Astaroth Rinascimento is a mobile suit that appears in the manga Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Gekko. Developed from the ASW-G-29 Gundam Astaroth, it is piloted by Argi Mirage.
After the ASW-G-29 Gundam Astaroth was restored to 82% of its original configuration, it was stolen and sold. It was eventually recovered from an underground market in the Jupiter Sphere but had lost the majority of its armor and equipment. To replace the missing parts, the suit was fitted with armor and equipment from other mobile suits, returning it to an asymmetrical shape, and was renamed 'Gundam Astaroth Rinascimento'.
The design of Astaroth Rinascimento emphasized offensive and defensive power, and is equipped with an enlarged sub knuckle, a new shield arm, and a new weapon known as Bastard Chopper. Volco Warren fitted the suit with weaponry all over its body as a way of providing equipment support to Argi Mirage, who has yet to mature as an MS pilot. The aim is to secure the advantage in combat no matter the situation via the effective use of weaponry. A larger backpack with improved thrust power is also mounted to offset the increase in weight, but with the removal of the boost armors, the suit has become so unbalanced that now Argi is the only one who can properly pilot it.