The HG 1/144 Gundam Barbatos 6th Form from Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans represents the sixth evolution of the formidable Gundam Barbatos, piloted by Mikazuki Augus of Tekkadan. This high-grade model kit faithfully captures the mobile suit's distinctive design and armaments, offering builders an engaging assembly experience.
Key Features:
Scale and Materials: 1/144 scale model kit crafted from high-quality polystyrene and polyethylene, ensuring durability and precise detailing.
Articulation: Features a highly articulated inner frame, allowing for dynamic poses and reenactments of iconic scenes from the series.
Weaponry and Accessories: Equipped with the signature Wrench Mace, which can open to reveal a chainsaw, and includes parts to recreate both the 5th and 6th forms of Barbatos, offering versatile display options.
Design Details: Accurately reproduces the Gundam Barbatos 6th Form's unique armor and weapon configurations, reflecting its continuous evolution throughout the series.
Release Information:
Released in February 2016 as part of Bandai's High Grade Iron-Blooded Orphans (HG IBO) line, this kit allows fans to build and display one of the most iconic mobile suits from the series.
The HG 1/144 Gundam Barbatos 6th Form is an essential addition for Gundam enthusiasts and model builders, offering a rewarding build and a striking representation of the evolving Gundam Barbatos.