• HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  • HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  • HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  • HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  • HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  • HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  • HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  • HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames
HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames


The GN-002 Gundam Dynames (aka Gundam Dynames, Dynames) is a mobile suit introduced in season one of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 and is piloted by Lockon Stratos.

The paramilitary organization, Celestial Being, deployed several Gundams in AD 2307 to eliminate world conflicts through armed interventions, and the Gundam Dynames that specialized in long-range shooting is one of them. Like its fellow Gundams, Dynames has a semi-perpetual GN Drive in the center of its body that provides almost limitless energy and produces special, multifunctional GN Particles. The GN Particles grant outstanding mobility and are also utilized for beam weaponry, attitude control, and stealth purposes as they can cause electromagnetic interference, leaving conventional communications and radar devices useless. The Dynames is a third generation unit developed using the operational data from the second generation GNY-002 Gundam Sadalsuud, inheriting the reconnaissance mobile suit's powerful sensing capabilities that are now utilized for long-range shooting.

During combat, the Dynames primarily serves as a sniper as well as a fire support unit for its allies. Its main weapon is the extremely long-range and powerful GN Sniper Rifle, and when operating this rifle, Dynames is in "Sniper Mode", whereby the Gun Camera hidden in its head is exposed and a precision shooting scope in the cockpit is deployed. The Dynames is however not just limited to long-range attacks as it has a variety of guns and weapons, allowing it to engage in close to mid-range combat when needed, and adapt to various types of missions (including solo mission) as well as changing battlefield conditions. Other standard armaments of the Dynames included GN Beam Sabers on its rear waist unit for close combat, GN Missiles on its knees and front waist armor that can be used to deter approaching enemies, and a GN Shield on the left shoulder for defense. As for optional armaments, it can equipped GN Beam Pistols for close to mid-range combat, a GN Full Shield for enhanced defensive capabilities, and a Super Substratospheric Altitude Gun to snipe targets outside the atmosphere from the ground.

Beside mounting the GN Beam Sabers, the Dynames' rear waist unit can be used to support the Gundam when it is shooting from seated positions and has a pair of propulsion systems, known as GN Verniers, that create thrust by releasing GN Particles. These verniers are also utilized by other Gundams and have a mechanism whereby their cores are revealed when being activated and when increasing their output. Additionally, the verniers can be moved at the point of attachment, allowing their thrust direction to be adjusted. The overall layout of the Dynames' cockpit is similar to other third generation Gundams, except for two differences. The first is the aforementioned precision shooting scope stored in the ceiling that lowers down when in use and retracts when not needed. The second is a dock on the right side for placing the individual support AI, Haro, which serves as a sub-pilot, controlling various aspects of the Dynames so the Gundam Meister, Lockon Stratos, can focus on shooting using the precision shooting scope.

The third generation Gundams deployed in AD 2307 has several common equipment, including a pair of clavicle antennas on the torso that serve as the primary control device for the GN Particles, light purple-colored "GN Cables" on various body locations to facilitate the supply of GN Particles to each part of the Gundam and for attitude control purposes, and GN Condensers placed throughout the body to store excess GN Particles, ensuring a reserve of particles that the Gundam can rely on when its operation consumed more than what the GN Drive can produce instantaneously. There is also the special "Trans-Am System" that the Gundams can activate during an emergency to enhance their thrust and defensive capabilities, as well as increase their output to three times that of their normal specifications for a limited time period. This system also causes the Gundams to glow red, and in Dynames' case, its shooting accuracy is improved as well. Unfortunately, this system is a double-edged sword, as the Gundams' performance will drop dramatically once it ends.

Additional optional equipment was also developed for the Dynames, such as the set of sub-aquatic sniper rifle and accompanying sensors that change it into the GN-002/DG014 Gundam Dynames Torpedo and the GNR-001D GN Arms Type-D support mecha that it can dock with to form the more powerful GN-002+GNR-001D GN Armor Type-D. A successor machine with all-round improved performance is later developed based on the Dynames' data and it is known as the GN-006 Cherudim Gundam. Additionally, the Dynames that was moderately damaged during the battle with the UN Forces was eventually refurbished into the GN-002RE Gundam Dynames Repair, and deployed on Earth following the defeat of the A-Laws and the Innovators.

HG 1/144 HG00 GN-002 Gundam Dynames


High Grade 1/144 Gundam
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