The GN-003 Gundam Kyrios (aka Gundam Kyrios, Kyrios) is a mobile suit featured in season one of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 and is piloted by Allelujah Haptism.
In AD 2307, the paramilitary organization, Celestial Being, deployed four third-generation Gundams with the objective of eradicating world conflicts through armed interventions. The Gundam Kyrios is one of them and its most prominent feature is a transformation mechanism for switching between MS Form (also known as "MS Mode") and Flight Form (also known as "Flight Mode", "Flight Position") which was tested by its predecessor, the second-generation GNY-003 Gundam Abulhool. The Kyrios' mobility and maneuverability are greatly enhanced in Flight Form, exceeding those of the other Gundams and mobile suits utilized by the three major powers. The transformation mechanism also grants high operability, allowing Kyrios to carry another mobile suit on top during Flight Form and a partial transformation where its upper body turns into that of the MS Form's is also possible. Like its fellow Gundams, Kyrios has a semi-perpetual GN Drive in the center of its body that provides almost limitless energy and produces special, multifunctional GN Particles.
Mobile suits capable of switching between MS and Flight Forms are also deployed by two major powers, but they are not designed with mid-air transformation in mind like Kyrios. The old VMS-15 Union Realdo and AEU-05 AEU Hellion (belonging to the Union and AEU respectively) have incomplete transformation mechanisms, requiring parts swapping in designated facilities to operate in the different forms; although their respective successor, the SVMS-01 Union Flag and AEU-09 AEU Enact, can transform in mid-air, this is achieved through a piloting technique known as "Graham Maneuver" (also known as "Graham Special") and not an inherent feature. On the other hand, the Kyrios has a complete transformation mechanism enabled by a control system using the special GN Particles. As a result, not only can Kyrios freely transform within and outside of the atmosphere, it also gains mobility, maneuverability and versatility that greatly surpassed those of other mobile suits with Flight Forms. It should be noted that Kyrios' transformation still requires some degree of piloting skills, but can theoretically be performed by anyone.
The Kyrios' cockpit is similar to other Gundams', but the control system differs due to its Flight Form and the pilot seat can rotate to match the different forms. Another feature that takes into account the Flight Form's design is the mounting of Kyrios' main thrusters, a pair of GN Verniers, on the outer side of each leg. Such a layout is rare for Gundams, where the main thrusters are often located on the back and waist, and ensures the verniers face backward to generate high thrust during Kyrios' Flight Form. The GN Verniers create thrust by releasing GN Particles, and have a mechanism whereby their cores are revealed when being activated and when increasing their output. While all Gundams can fly due to the use of GN Particles, only Kyrios can achieve high-speed flight due to its more aerodynamic shape while in Flight Form. Various sensors are built into the Flight Form's nose unit, giving it high detection capabilities. Due to the nose unit and stabilizer being folded onto the back while in MS Form, the conical rear cover of the Kyrios' GN Drive has a flatter end than the other Gundams'.
Light purple-colored "GN Cables" in various body locations facilitate the supply of GN Particles to each part of the Kyrios and for attitude control purposes via the particles' mass manipulation ability. These GN Particles are also utilized for beam weaponry, generation of defensive GN Field barrier, and stealth purposes as they can cause electromagnetic interference, leaving conventional communications and radar devices useless. Additionally, by maximizing its particle emission and deploying them in front of itself, Kyrios can conduct atmospheric entry on its own. This is because the emitted particles can shield the Kyrios from the aerodynamic heating caused by the adiabatic compression during the entry process. A pair of torso-mounted clavicle antennas serves as the primary control device for these special particles, and GN Condensers are placed throughout the body to store excess particles, ensuring a reserve that the Kyrios can rely on when its operation consumed more particles than what the GN Drive can produce instantaneously. All these GN Particles related features are also found on the other Gundams.
Compared to other Gundams, Kyrios' armament configuration is simple and consisted of GN Beam Submachine Gun, GN Shield, GN Beam Sabers and GN Vulcans, but its high mobility enabled it to display high combat capabilities. It can also mount optional weapons in the form of GN Hand Missile Units, Tail Unit equipped with various missiles and air-to-surface bombs, and Tail Booster with large GN Verniers and GN Cannons. Its MS Form has a balance of ranged and melee combat capabilities, with destructive power comparable to its fellow Gundams, while its Flight Form excels at high-speed hit-and-run attacks. With the Tail Unit attached, the Flight Form can adapt to a variety of missions, and when fitted with the Tail Booster instead, the Flight Form's mobility and firepower are boosted. Like its fellow Gundams, the Kyrios can activate the "Trans-Am System" during an emergency, boosting its thrust and defensive strength, as well as increase its output to three times that of its normal specifications for a limited time period. The Kyrios also glows red as a side-effect, but this system is a double-edged sword as the machine's performance drops dramatically once it ends.
Optional add-on equipment was also developed, namely the Gust equipment that changes Kyrios into the GN-003/af-G02 Gundam Kyrios Gust, which has enhanced mobility, long-range attack capabilities and can operate at up to 600 km in the thermosphere. Celestial Being was defeated by the UN Forces in AD 2308 and the HRL acquired the wrecked Kyrios, minus its GN Drive that was ejected prior to capture. A reborn Celestial Being then surfaced in AD 2312 with new Gundams including the transformable GN-007 Arios Gundam, Kyrios' successor with superior specifications. Around the same time, the Earth Sphere Federation's autonomous peacekeeping force, the A-Laws, deployed the new GNX-704T Ahead developed by former HRL engineers; these engineers were selected as the developers partly because the HRL seemingly gained an edge in mobile suit development through the tests they conducted on the Kyrios. Feedback from the data of the captured Kyrios was later utilized by former AEU and Union engineers in the development of the transformable GNX-903VS Brave (Standard Test Type) and its commander variant, which were deployed by the Earth Sphere Federation in AD 2314.
HG 1/144 HG00 GN-003 Gundam Kyrios
Bandai SKU: 2010893
High Grade 1/144 GundamGunpla 101

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