Description The ZGMF-2025/F GELGOOG Menace is a mobile suit introduced in the animated film Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom. A mass-produced mobile suit produced by ZAFT as the successor design to the ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior. HG 1/144 HGCE ZGMF-2025/F GELGOOG Menace (Lunamaria Hawke Custom) Bandai SKU: 2693615 High Grade 1/144 Gundam Price: $31.00 Stock: In Stock Quantity: - + ADD TO CART
The ZGMF-2025/F GELGOOG Menace is a mobile suit introduced in the animated film Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom. A mass-produced mobile suit produced by ZAFT as the successor design to the ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior.