The ASW-G-01 Gundam Bael (ガンダムバエル Gandamu Baeru?) is a mobile suit introduced in the second season of Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS anime. It was originally piloted by Agnika Kaieru, and more than 300 years later by McGillis Fareed.
During the Calamity War, a quarter of the human population was lost due to the extensive fighting against the mobile armors, which had been developed for the efficient extermination of human beings. To stop these mobile armors, the Alaya-Vijnana System, which establishes compatibility between a person and a machine, was employed. During this process, 72 Gundam Frames were produced, and they came to be perceived as special due to the outstanding military achievement of Agnika Kaieru, who piloted the first Gundam Frame, the Gundam Bael.
Compared to subsequent Gundam Frames, the Gundam Bael is a relatively standard unit with little special features. However, it was a key mobile suit in ending the war and became a figurehead of the Gjallarhorn. Thus, Agnika and Gundam Bael were idolized during those times. Gundam Bael's main armaments consisted only of two swords, and this was proof that Agnika was fully compatible with the mobile suit via the Alaya-Vijnana System. For Agnika, who realized superhuman reactions, no other armament was better than these unbreakable swords. Agnika passed away as the Gundam Bael went to sleep, and it was believed his soul resided within the Gundam Bael.
The Gundam Bael was stored in the Gjallarhorn's headquarters, Vingolf, until it was awakened by McGillis Fareed. The mobile suit remained unchanged during its long slumber, so its frame structure, as well as its armaments, are as they were when Agnika was the pilot. The emblem on its left shoulder is a symbol of the Gjallarhorn at the time of the organization's formation.